événements Mensuels

Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Special Guest: Michael "Pinball" Clemons
From 6:30 PM to 9 PM
The British
71 rue Principale, Gatineau (Aylmer)
Please RSVP at melanie.perreault@pinnaclewealth.ca.
Welcome to our Private Market presentation!
We are very enthusiastic about the issuers and private investment options and would like to share them with you. Learn why unconventional investments may be a fit for your portfolio. We will show you:
- how to invest with successful business owners that are expanding their portfolios;
- companies that purchase land in cities with high growth prospects
- Investments that create income for the investors
We will also have the great pleasure to welcome Michael "Pinball" Clemons and to listen to one of his great motivational speech!
Bienvenue à notre présentation sur le marché dispensé!
Nous sommes très enthousiastes au sujet des émetteurs et des options d'investissement privé et aimerions partager cet enthousiasme avec vous.
Venez apprendre pourquoi les investissements non-traditionnels peuvent convenir à votre portefeuille. Nous vous montrerons :
- Comment investir avec des propriétaires d'entreprise prospères qui ont un portefeuille en expansion;
- Des compagnies qui achètent des terrains dans des villes avec des perspectives de croissance élevées;
- des investissements qui génèrent du revenu pour l'investisseur.
Nous aurons, par ailleurs, l'immense plaisir d'accueillir Michael "Pinball" Clemons et d'écouter un de ses discours de motivation!
Michael "Pinball" Clemons is an icon of sporting excellence, community leadership, personal character and integrity. The Economics graduate is the pro-football world record holder in all purpose yards which earned him induction into the CFL Hall of Fame. He also has the second best coaching record in Argo history.
Known for a personality that is as electric as his style of play on the field was, Mike redefines the meaning of community involvement and has been recognized by many organizations for his tireless work with charities, schools and other community groups. In 2007, he fulfilled a long time ambition by launching The Michael 'Pinball' Clemons Foundation to quicken academic excellence, infuse depth of character, promote health and vitality, and inspire generosity in our youth. The foundations most noteworthy project to date is building 131 schools in third world countries over five years. The author, philanthropist and entrepreneur is also currently the vice-chair of the Toronto Argonauts and a member of the distinguished Order of Ontario.
Mike resides in Oakville with his wife, Diane and daughter's Rachel, Raven and Rylie.
GLEN ROAD TRUST is an income fund, managed by industry insiders, that seeks to provide investors with consistent, low-correlated returns derived from the revenue streams of Registered Individuals*. Glen Road Capital Partners Inc. ("GRC"), a company owned and controlled by Stephen Meehan and Christopher Dingle, the promoters of this offering, has recently launched the Glen Road Fund No. 1 LP (the "LP"). The LP will lend acquisition capital to EWA Capital Partners Inc. ("EWA"), a private company in the business of acquiring revenue streams from Registered Individuals. EWA will use the funds to form partnerships with Registered Individuals, receiving a monthly payment out of top-line cash flow from the Registered Individual's business, before the deduction of any expenses. The LP receives interest payments from EWA and distributes to its unitholders all net available cash until the unitholders have received an annualized return of 7.5%; and after that, 50% of the balance.
Partnering with Pinnacle Wealth Brokers Inc., GRC has created the Glen Road Trust (the "Trust") in order to be able to offer this product, not only to accredited investors, but also to your eligible investor clients, including registered account holders. The sole purpose of the Trust is to invest in units of the LP and to distribute the quarterly payments from the LP, after the expenses of the Trust, to its unitholders.
*Registered Individuals are a registered dealing representatives of an investment dealer or of a mutual fund dealer under Canadian securities laws.
Issuer's Web site: www.glenroad.ca
For Glen Road Trust brochure, please click here.
GLEN ROAD TRUST est un fonds de revenu, géré par des initiés de l'industrie, cherchant à fournir aux investisseurs des rendements constants et faiblement corrélés dérivés des flux de revenu provenant des « individus enregistrés »*. Glen Road Capital Partners Inc. ("GRC"), une compagnie appartenant à Stephen Meehan et Christopher Dingle et contrôlée par ces derniers, promoteurs de cette offre, a récemment commercialisé le Glen Road Fund No. 1 LP (le "LP"). Le LP procède au prêt de capitaux visant l'acquisition auprès d'EWA Capital Partners inc. ("EWA"), une compagnie privée spécialisée dans l'acquisition de flux de revenu provenant d'individus enregistrés. EWA utilise les fonds afin de créer un partenariat avec les individus enregistrés, recevant ainsi un paiement mensuel provenant du flux positif de l'encaisse des entreprises d'individus enregistrés, avant déduction des dépenses. Le LP reçoit les paiements de l'intérêt de la part de EWA et distribue à ses actionnaires l'encaisse disponible nette jusqu'à ce que ces derniers aient reçu un rendement annualisé de 7,5% et, par la suite, 50% de ce qui reste. En créant un partenariat avec Pinnacle Wealth Brokers inc., GRC a mis sur pied le Glen Road Trust (la "fiducie") afin d'être en mesure d'offrir ce produit non seulement aux investisseurs qualifiés, mais aussi aux investisseurs admissibles, incluant les détenteurs de comptes enregistrés. Le but unique de la fiducie est d'investir dans les unités du LP et de distribuer des paiements trimestriels à partir de ce dernier aux actionnaires, après calcul des dépenses de la fiducie.
*Les "individus enregistrés" sont des représentants de courtier inscrits d'un courtier en investissements ou d'un courtier en fonds communs de placement soumis aux lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilières.
Site web de l'émetteur: www.glenroad.ca
La brochure de Glen Road Trust est disponible ici.
Event Info / Renseignements
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
From 6:30 PM to 9 PM
Le mercredi 1er novembre 2017
De 18h30 à 21h
6:30-7:00 PM: Cocktails & Hot Buffet
7:00-8:30 PM: Presentations
8:30-9:00 PM: Q & A
18h30 - 19h: Cocktails et buffet chaud
19h - 20h30: Présentations
20h30 - 21h: Période de questions
The British
71 rue Principale, Gatineau (Aylmer)
J9H 3L6
819 682-3000
Please RSVP at melanie.perreault@pinnaclewealth.ca.
Veuillez réserver votre présence en répondant à melanie.perreault@pinnaclewealth.ca.